Dans cet article, nous examinerons de plus près les composants de SpamExperts et leurs fonctionnalités qui aident à protéger vos e-mails du spam.
Pour accéder au panel de Spam Experts rendez vous à votre espace client
- Cliquez sur le menu "Mes services" => "Mes produits & Services"
- Cliquer sur votre pack d'hébergement
- En bas vous trouvez "Gérez vos courriels" Cliquer sur "Gérer"
SpamExperts a les menus suivants :
- Général
- Rapports
- Entrant
- Entrant - Paramètres de protection
- Sortant
- Sortant - Paramètres de protection
- Continuité
- Utilisateurs et autorisations
- Développement
- Mes paramètres
1. Général
- Présentation des boîtes aux lettres
Dans l'onglet Configuration, vous pouvez définir le fuseau horaire de l'interface SpamExperts et sélectionner le format de date et d'heure souhaité.
Le reste des paramètres de cet onglet sont déjà configurés pour fonctionner avec votre compte. Par conséquent, nous vous recommandons de les conserver tels quels.
- Synchronisation de la boîte aux lettres LDAP
Les fonctionnalités de ce menu ne peuvent pas être utilisées sur les serveurs d'hébergement partagé de NovaHoster.
- Alias de domaine
- Former les spams / pas de spam
Ces options vous permettent de signaler des e-mails spam ou non-spam, en conséquence un filtre « trainer le spam ». Vous pouvez télécharger un e-mail de spam au format .eml :
1. Rapports
- Rapports Scout par e-mail - entrants
- Rapports Scout par e-mail - sortants
- Actions de rapport de domaine
- Rapport de protection - boîte aux lettres
- Rapport de protection - envoyer maintenant
- Rapport de protection - domaine
- Rapports Scout par e-mail - entrants
L'Email Scout Report est un rapport qui est disponible directement à partir des pages de recherche de journaux.
Ce rapport offre beaucoup plus de flexibilité que les rapports de protection habituels puisqu'ils sont basés sur les recherches que vous créez.
Pour créer un nouveau rapport de reconnaissance par e-mail, accédez au menu Journaux entrants, créez votre règle de requête personnalisée et cliquez sur le bouton Afficher les résultats.
Une fois les résultats affichés, vous verrez le bouton Envoyer cette recherche par e-mail, comme illustré dans la capture d'écran ci-dessous :
- Définissez un nom de rapport en fonction du contenu du rapport, qui peut être tout ce que vous voulez.
- Ajoutez un sujet pertinent à l'e-mail. Vous pouvez choisir parmi les options de livraison suivantes : Immédiatement/À une heure donnée/En semaine à 09h00/Tous les jours à 09h00, 12h00 et 16h00/Répéter/Avancé.
- Les options Répéter et Avancé vous permettront de créer un calendrier personnalisé pour l'envoi du rapport.
- Ajoutez une adresse d'expéditeur personnalisée pour l'e-mail contenant le rapport.
- Exécuter la recherche vous redirigera vers la page Recherche de journal, affichant les résultats de la recherche avec les critères qui ont été enregistrés pour ce rapport particulier.
- Modifiez les paramètres du rapport.
- Supprimez le rapport de la liste.
- Demandez la livraison du rapport dès maintenant en utilisant Envoyer maintenant, sans attendre l'heure prévue.
- Exporter au format .CSV téléchargera les paramètres du rapport sur votre PC dans un fichier .csv.
Rapports Scout par e-mail - sortants
- Actions de rapport de domaine
Rapport de protection - boîte aux lettres
Rapport de protection - envoyer maintenant
Rapport de protection - domaine
- Logs
Depending on the email status, some of the following actions will be applicable to the emails:
- Remove from quarantine will delete the message from quarantine; it will still be visible, however, in the logs.
- Release from quarantine option will release the email from the quarantine and deliver it to the necessary recipient.
- Release and train from quarantine option will deliver the email to the recipient and train it as not spam in the SpamExperts system.
- Download quarantined message will download the .eml file of the email message to your device.
- Telnet SMTP test option will take you to the Network tools menu where an SMTP test to the destination can be run.
- Sender callout can be used to check whether or not the sender’s email address really exists. You can see exactly how the sender's mail server responds when the address is checked. Find more details here.
- Recipient callout refers to when you see delivery problems, you can see exactly what the destination mail server’s response is when the recipient is specified.
- Whitelist sender means you can click this to add the sender of a particular email to your whitelist.
- Blacklist sender will add the sender of a particular email to your blacklist.
- Blacklist recipient can be used if you would like to disable all incoming emails for the particular mailbox on your domain.
- Delivery history cannot be used on our servers.
- View email allows you to view the contents and the headers of a quarantined email.
- Change action for messages like this will take you to the Customise actions menu where custom rules for messages can be created. We do not recommend changing default actions for the main classes of emails.
- Export as .CSV will allow you to download the search results to your device in a .CSV file.
You can also use the previous search interface that has all possible search criteria listed at once by clicking on the deprecated log search page option:
- Delivery details
- Spam quarantine
In order to view the headers and full raw content of the quarantined email, click on the email subject. Then choose the Raw tab, scroll down and click on Load raw body at the bottom of the headers:
NOTE 1: Unlike other spam protection systems, SpamExperts stores all email logs and spam emails on its server. Due to this, the only way to check incoming spam emails in your email account is to access SpamExperts account itself.
NOTE 2: The emails released from the quarantine are delivered to your mailbox; however, you will continue to see the respective email in your SpamExperts web interface. This is the expected behavior.
- Destinations
To view the current destinations, click on Show results.
NOTE 2: If there are temporary issues with the first destination, the system will automatically try to deliver the email to the second one, then the third one and so on. In case there are permanent failures with a destination, the emails will be put into an email queue and SpamExperts will not attempt another destination. Therefore, it's crucial to have the hostname indicated in the destination respective to the correct IP address.
- Domain settings
- Primary Contact Email for your domain.
- Email notifications From address. This field should not be filled in as all reports from SpamExperts will be sent from the default email noreply@se.registrar-servers.com.
- Enable logging of invalid recipients option that specifies whether or not the details of incoming mails addressed to non-existing recipients should be logged.
- Direct delivery for email and domain aliases that cannot be used because aliases cannot be set up from within the SpamExperts interface.
- Rejected local-part characters that include the characters allowed in the local part (before @). If you remove the character from Block these characters, it will be allowed in the local part and vice versa. We recommend keeping these settings by default.
- Set the necessary Timezone.
- Automatically Enable Daily Email Scout Reports.
- Domain statistics
- Spam ratio (of total messages)
- Not Spam messages
- Unsure messages
- Spam messages blocked
- Viruses blocked
- Whitelisted messages
- Blacklisted messages
- Recipient whitelist
To whitelist recipients for your domain name, add a mailbox and disable incoming filtering in the Mailbox Overview >> Mailboxes by setting the Filtered (Incoming) option to No. This may be used for mailboxes like “abuse@” or “postmaster@” whose email should not be filtered.
- Recipient blacklist
Click Add blacklist recipient to add a mailbox to blacklist and Show Results to see the current list of blacklisted recipients.
Messages to a blacklisted recipient will be rejected regardless of the message content. Please note that this feature checks only the "envelope" recipient, which is the actual email address the email was sent to. Messages are rejected prior to the message content being received so they are not available in the quarantine. To blacklist all recipients (i.e. accept no mail) use * as Local-part.
- Sender whitelist
To add a sender to whitelist, click on Add whitelist sender. Enter the domain in the Address field and click Save. If you want to whitelist a sender for only one recipient, add the Local-part only (the part before the @).
- Sender blacklist
Click on Show results to see the current list of blacklisted senders. Click Add blacklist sender to add a new sender. Enter the domain name in the Address field and click Save. If you want to blacklist a sender for only one recipient, add the Local-part only (the part before the @).
- Whitelist filtering rules
- Blacklist filtering rules
- Customise actions
- Filter settings
The following items can be changed here:
- Quarantine threshold. Set a minimum score an email must get in order to be classified as spam by the content analysis portion of the filter. This score ranges from 0.0 (certainly not spam) to 1.0 (certainly spam), so the higher value that this is set, the more likely you are to receive false negatives, and the less likely you are to receive false positives. It is set to 0.85 by default in order to avoid any possible mail delivery issues.
- Beneficial to train threshold. Set the minimum score that the email must get in order to be classified as unsure (and therefore notated) by the content analysis portion of the filter. The score ranges from 0.0 (certainly not spam) to 1.0 (certainly spam). This must be lower than the spam threshold. The default value is set to 0.3.
- Sender checks:
- DMARC Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance. Designed to give email recipients better judgment control based on the domain sender’s reputation. It is disabled by default.
- Skip maximum line length check. There are strict regulations on the allowed line length in emails, which are automatically enforced by email software. Some applications or poorly-developed scripts do not adhere to the official specifications, thereby exceeding the maximum allowed line length. This check can be disabled by ticking the box; however, we recommend enabling it to block spam.
- Beneficial to train notation. Prepend this tag to email subjects where the filter could not strongly classify as spam or not spam. You need to leave this field empty not to prepend the emails. It’s necessary to ensure the email is considered legitimate; you can use this tag to have them stand out and to report them as spam/not spam to further improve the effectiveness of the filter.
- Quarantine response. This option may be used if you do not want senders to receive a bounce-back email when their email gets blocked or quarantined. If this option is set to Accept the email, the SMTP response would be 2xx accept (the email has been accepted for delivery). However, the email will still be blocked and shown in the Spam Quarantine. Since this technically breaks with the SMTP RFC specifications, we don’t recommend enabling it.
- Attachment restrictions
To allow receiving extensions from the blocked extension list, select the extension and click the Remove Selected button.
To block an extension, put it in the Add new Extension field and click the Add button:
- Disallowed release extensions. Email users will not be allowed to release messages that contain attachments with these extensions.
- Restriction options. To block password-protected archive attachments, potentially unwanted attachments, and attachments that contain hidden executables.
- Additional restrictions. Link limit size and maximum MIME defects.
- Scanned link extensions list. If “Message link size limit” is set, then links in messages to files with these extensions will be scanned for viruses and other malware.
- Email size restriction
After this, you can choose the desired action taken for the oversized emails: either place them in quarantine or have them rejected:
By default, outgoing emails on our Shared servers are not filtered through SpamExperts, so normally, you will not see any activity in the menus of this section.
6. Outgoing - Protection Settings
In most cases, it won't be possible to manage these settings as outgoing filtration is disabled by default and can be enabled on our end.
- Delivery queue - incoming
- Compose email
- Network tools
You can use this menu to check if a recipient’s server is reachable. You need to enter the hostname or the IP address in the field Destination and click Run.
You can also specify additional parameters like the number of Packets and Timeout in seconds, and limit the test to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses only.
The output will appear in the Results field.
There are many checks that you may use this tool for:
- Sender callout. If you encounter problems with the sender’s verification, you can see exactly how the sender's mail server responds when the address is checked.
- Recipient callout. If you encounter delivery problems, you can see exactly what the destination’s mail server responds to when the recipient is specified.
- Open relay check. You can see whether a mail server appears to be an "open relay" that accepts mail for any destination.
- Catch-all check. You can see whether a mail server appears to be a "catch-all" for a specified domain name, accepting mail for any address at that domain name.
- Telnet test. You can check the full SMTP delivery process to a destination in order to see exactly how the destination responds in answer to each of the SMTP commands and the final message content.
The tool will go as far as the information provided. If a recipient is not provided, then the connection will end after "MAIL FROM", and if a message is not provided, then the connection will end after "RCPT TO.” If you have a message in the DATA section, this will send an email to the specified recipient.
To test deliverability issues from a specific server in the cluster, or an IP address assigned to a server, select the relevant IP. If left blank, then one of the control panel IPs will be used.
- Clear callout cache - incoming
- Manage email users
- Edit the user details (username and password).
- Delete the email account from the SpamExperts Dashboard.
- As an advanced user, you have the ability to login as a user to a particular account.
- Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for the user.
NOTE: LDAP authentication cannot be used on Shared Hosting servers.
- Manage permissions
- GET method is used for viewing data.
- POST method is used for new entry creations.
- PUT method is used for existing entry modifications.
- DELETE method is used for entry deletions.
- API calls history
- User's profile
Here, you can change the password to your SpamExperts account, the contact email address, enable/disable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and enable/disable email notifications for when your account is accessed from a different IP or unusual location.
That's it!